عضو مميز الجنس : المشاركات : 1264 تقييم المستوى : 65 #7112 حل تمرين ص 147 في الانجلزية من اعدادي اهلا كيف حالكم هل اعطوكم المعدلات ام ليس بعد :1622: قدم لي هذا تمرين لاحله و كنت اود ان اشاركه معكم من كتاب المدرسي انجلزية اولى ثانوي :555: الحل مرئي فقط للاعضاء :115: There are four different types of pollution. Firstly, there is air pollution. Its major cause is factory and vehicle emissions. Secondly, we have water pollution. This pollution results from sewage and oil spills. Thirdly, there is earth pollution. It comes from toxic waste. Finally, there is noise pollution. It is due mainly to cars and factories. Pollution is a very serious problem because most of it comes from machines, which man has invented to satisfy his daily needs. For example, we use cars to travel from one place to another; however, these cars release gases into the air. Two of the consequences of this pollution are lung and skin diseases عضو جديد الجنس : المشاركات : 28 تقييم المستوى : 0 عضو مشارك الجنس : المشاركات : 378 تقييم المستوى : 51