عضو مميز الجنس : المشاركات : 1262 تقييم المستوى : 65 #1769 مشروع الفصل الثاني في مادة الانكليزية للسنة الثانية ثانوي علمي بحث في اللغة الانجليرية I. Conservation fact sheet : • Natural resources : Natural are all the necessary wealth created by God for the service of man and the continuation of life on Earth, such as water, plants and soil...etc. In Algeria, there are many types of Natural resources : Soil, water, Wild life and open spaces, mineral resources, monuments, ……etc. But this Natural resources are Under excessive exploitation ,in Our country in particularly and in the world in general which requires rationalisation of used to preserve this heritage. So let see what algeria did for its naturel resources ! a. Soil : Soil Is a thin layer of material on the Earth's surface in which plants have their roots . It ‘s made up of many things, such as weathered rock and decayed plant and animal matter. Soil Is formed over a long period of time. In algeria, the Soil suffers from many problems because of natural or human factors like: Desertification , erosion, drought…etc. But the gouvernement put plans and projects to protect the Soil from these risks ; the most important of these achievements are : • The green dam : In 1969, the government of Houari Boumediene throws the green dam, an immense belt of 1200-km long on 20-km large having to protect the North part of Algeria of the inexorable Progress of the desert. It accomplished by the Young of the national service. This project served Algeria much, It protect the Soil from the Natural obstacles. • Sand dune fixation : Stabilization of dunes effected by the planting of marram grass, or rice grass, whose long roots bind the surface layers of Sand and So hinder its removal by Wind to cause a buildup of sand. Or halting and slowing the movement of Sand by erecting fences 1 to 1.5 m High to trap the sand (a mechanical dune Stabilization), the mulch or protective screen (an expensive procedure)….etc. • The use of technology in agriculture and irrigation : The government has introduced new agriculture and irrigation techniques that are more efficient by using the biotechnology such us : Uses genetically modified crops, drip irrigation, Spray irrigation, Modern agricultural machinery (harvesting. Transplantation. Irrigation ...)…etc. • Educate farmers on how to protect the soil: The farmers are educated about the righ t way to use the pesticides and fertiizers in the agricultural field by the Algerian government, by allocating conferences and meetings in order to conserve the soil .